CMA President Demands Action to Bring Sanity to our Nation's Gun Laws August 7, 2019 Areas of interest(s): cma, david aizuss, gun control, guns California Medical Association President David H. Aizuss, M.D., issued the following statement after this weekend's shootings in Texas and Ohio: This weekend, dozens of people were again gunned down in cold blood – this time in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. Last weekend, it was in Gilroy, California, where children (including a 6-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl) were murdered while at a festival with their families. Physicians are on the front lines of these tragic events, treating the wounds and injuries of the victims of this senseless gun violence. Policies to prevent these senseless tragedies are not matters of ideology or constitutionality. They are long overdue. We can no longer accept our leaders standing idly by while more innocent victims – children, parents, family members and friends – are struck down by weapons that have no place on our streets. On an issue where common sense seems nearly impossible to find in some sectors of our politics, it is time for the overwhelming majority of Americans who support common sense reforms to demand action and bring some sanity to our nation's gun laws.