SMCMA Delegation attends CMA’s Legislative Advocacy Day in Sacramento April 21, 2023 Areas of interest(s): advocacy, delegation, legday, smcma Leadership from the San Mateo County Medical Association (SMCMA) attended the California Medical Association’s 49th Annual Legislative Advocacy Day in Sacramento, joining over 400 physicians from across the state to advocate for issues impacting the practice of medicine. The event provided a platform for SMCMA leaders to serve as health care champions by meeting with local legislators to discuss issues impacting physician practices, patient safety, and healthcare access. During the event, SMCMA leaders met with Senator Josh Becker, Assemblymember Marc Berman, and Assemblymember Diane Papan to discuss several bills that have been submitted for the 2023 legislative cycle. Priority support bills included SB 598 (Skinner) - Prior Authorization and AB 765 (Wood) - Truth in Advertising. Medi-Cal rate increases and the impact on access to care and health equity was also discussed in great detail. Priority opposition bills for 2023 centered on scope of practice expansion, including AB 1570 (Low) – Optometry: certification to perform advanced procedures and SB 524 (Caballero) – Pharmacists: furnishing prescription medications. Each bill raised concerns about patient safety and educational requirements while undermining the physician’s role in patient care. The SMCMA Delegation included Dr. Dirk Bauman - Lead Delegate and 2008-09 President; Dr. Vincent Mason – CMA Trustee and 2014-15 President; Dr. Barbara Weissman - Immediate Past President; Dr. Cynthia Cooper - President-Elect; Dr. Connor Lundy – Secretary/Treasurer; Dr. Jiaochen Ke – Board Director-at-Large; and Mr. Keith Darby – Executive Director. SMCMA is grateful for those who took important time out of their practices to attend the event, advocate for and help advocate maintain positive relationships with our local legislators. If you are interested in becoming involved to advocate for your profession and patients, please email